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US through China called Russia's “unsuccessful” weapon

International arms sales of Russia and China are accompanied by deliveries of “unsuccessful systems” and “insufficient training,” Breaking Defense reports a statement by US Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs Clark Cooper. He illustrated his position with several examples. In particular, one of the four Harbin Z-9 multi-purpose helicopters (licensed copy of the French […]

China before Russia acquired a supersonic drone

A supersonic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) WZ-8 is in service with the 30th Air Regiment of the Air Forces of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), based near Nanjing (the capital of the eastern province of Jiangsu), writes Jane's 360. The British publication drew attention to the pictures of two UAVs, demonstrated at […]

12 combat Su-34 sat on the route Europe – China

As part of the material-technical support (MTO) exercise of the Armed Forces of Russia, held in the Central Military District (CVO), 12 Su-34 combat aircraft and 2 An-26 transport aircraft landed on the Europe-Western China highway under construction in Tatarstan. The corresponding video on YouTube was published by the Ministry of Defense. The military department […]

China called the purchase condition of the Su-57

China may consider purchasing a fifth-generation Russian fighter, the Su-57, after comparing its capabilities with its own production aircraft, writes Huanqiu Shibao. The Chinese state newspaper notes that in recent years, Beijing has achieved significant success in the aircraft industry, in particular, it has begun to supply its own production equipment to foreign markets, and […]